Being Prepared

Rock, Paper... People

Copyright: 123RF

Copyright: 123RF

Take a quick look at your desk.  What do you see?

Lots of paperwork? I thought so.  

Chances are, your job involves a lot of both paperwork and phone work, and sometimes the ringing phone feels like an interruption. That feeling can lead to a greeting that sounds rushed or unhelpful, sending your call off to a rocky start.

This week, aim to catch yourself thinking: "Arghhh – the phone is ringing!" and say instead: "Yay, the phone is ringing!" or "I’m gonna rock this!"  Then your greeting will sound professional and friendly, ready to handle anything.

Smile, Breathe, Rock On. You got this!

Happy Feet

Don't let the cold weather make you sound cold.

Copyright: 123RF Stock Photo

Copyright: 123RF Stock Photo

Thought for the week: Bring your cozy slippers to work.

Here's a secret about me: When it's cold outside, I wear my toasty Uggs to warm me up. They warm my soles and my soul, which makes me exude kindness over the phone. 

Tip: Switch back to your regular shoes for meetings, treks to the printer and one-on-ones with your boss. 

How are you staying warm?

Have an INCREDIBLE Halloween

Apparently, there is truth to the adage 'dress for success'.  

Research shows your alertness is affected by what you wear.

One study found that people wearing a doctor’s lab coat displayed heightened attention.

When the same people then wore an identical coat but were told it was a painter’s coat, they weren't as attentive as when they wore (what they perceived to be) the doctor's coat.

The research found: “The influence of clothes thus depends on wearing them and their symbolic meaning.”  

Seems like the impact of dressing casually in the office can have some scary effects.  Read more here.

But not tomorrow....

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Happy Halloween!  

If you or your team dress up, please share a picture on our FB page

All the world’s a stage

Perhaps William Shakespeare said it best, “All the world’s a stage.”

And if we are merely actors, here are a few instances that acting will help you do, feel and be better at work.

When you answer the phone

Act as if this is the most important call of the day

 When the caller is upset

Act as if you will be able to handle the call

When the caller is concerned

Act (think) like you know them.  Have a picture of a typical customer on the wall and look at the picture to remind yourself that it’s a real human with real needs.

When the caller has a challenging issue

Act as if you are an expert and that you can help (see Superman to the rescue). You will be surprised how much you really do know when you get your nerves out of the way.

When you are getting too comfortable in your chair

Act like an athlete and do some warm-ups.  A couple of squats or arm swirls might help.

When you are trying to sell or upsell

Act like a talk show host and ask questions that help you get to know the customer and their particular needs.


At Walt Disney World they have signs on mirrors behind the doors that read “Smile you are going on stage” 

What do you do to help prepare for great interactions?