
phone glow.jpg

“Like” this post if reducing screen time is on your ‘should do’ list.  👍🏻

Taking a break from glowy little screens is essential to reduce stress, eye strain, and fatigue. We can’t be the only ones shopping online or playing games on our phone at midnight, right?

Give your eyes, neck, and brain a break. For the vast majority of us who have to sit at a computer for work, here are some tips to help the in-between times: 

  • Leave your phone behind during meals. If you’re working from home, take the time to eat with your kids, spouse, or pets. While your longstanding lunch date plans might be on hold, schedule a virtual lunch with your friends, and hold each other accountable for muting work notifications during lunch. That’s what breaks are for!

  • Disable distracting notifications. Rather than checking your phone every time you hear a ding - who can resist? - use your phone’s settings to shut off unimportant notifications for specific hours every day. Now it’s out of your hands.

  • Physically distance yourself. Socially distance from your technology every few hours. When you get a moment, step away from your computer, and do something other than checking your phone. Make a cup of joe, visit the restroom, check the mail, or play with the dog. Do you think they’re sick of all the extra attention yet? (Impossible)

How do you like to unplug? So very 2005 of you!