Supercharge Your Time


It’s 10 am. You’re staring blankly at your computer, waiting for your third cup of coffee to kick in. Meanwhile, Brenda has just posted on slack that she is on her way to completing half her to-do list.

Sound familiar? No, your co-worker’s coffee isn’t spiked, but her energy is. We all have different energy levels throughout the day, and hers just happens to surge in the morning.

Taking advantage of when your energy peaks can help you:

  • Increase your productivity. Schedule your tasks around your energy, and you’ll get more done.

  • Feel more accomplished. Use that momentum to finally start or complete those bigger or more challenging projects you’ve been putting on the back burner.

  • Reduce the amount of time you work - really! It’s not that you need more time; you just need the physical and mental capacity to take action.

How ‘bout you? When do you feel spikes - or slumps - in your energy?