
Opening Ceremonies

The Olympics are steeped in tradition.


Consider the opening ceremonies with the fireworks, the speeches, the parade of nations, the lighting of the torch… did you tune in to watch?  Did you get what you were expecting? 

We are creatures of habit and knowing what to expect makes us feel comfortable, it puts us at ease.

Every time you deliver on a ritual or expectation, you create a memory in the customer’s mind and have the opportunity to put them at ease. 

I expect:

·      Netflix, Hulu and Mailchimp to welcome me back when I log in.

·      Amazon to tell me what other people also purchased.

·      Sundance to wag her tail when I walk in the door.

What rituals do you have in your office that make your customers feel welcome?

Twist and Greet

Did you happen to overeat this weekend?  If so you may feel a little full in your chair today.  

This tip is to help you burn a couple of calories and to help you switch your focus to the caller rather than your waistline. 

When the phone rings, twist your chair to the left, then to the right, then answer.

Try it now.  (twist - twist)

What happened?  Did you have to focus on moving?  Did you need to take a breath?

Yay, that was the goal!

Twist and greet today for more effective conversations.

Twist and greet today for more effective conversations.

Now serving number 53...

Nobody wants to feel like a number, but are you giving that impression without knowing it?

What's the first thing you say to your caller after they share their name or their concern?

  • Account number, please?
  • Address?
  • Are you a current customer? 

Often, we get so caught up in all the details we need to gather, that the call ends up sounding impersonal.

Today, aim to respond first with their name and/or an offer to assist.

CSR: Good Morning, Awesome Co, this is Ann

Customer:  Hi Ann, this is Tanya and I've got a problem with my bill.

CSR:  I'm glad you called Tanya, what seems to be the problem? 

Then listen closely for that sigh of relief that happens as they realize they are dealing with a caring professional. 

It's your call

Every day we are asked one question over and over, and while it seems like a simple question, the answer may have a big impact on your day and theirs.  What's the question?  

How are you?

The ball is in your court - how will you respond? 

Sometimes the truth is ugly.  "I'm tired, hungry, cranky, late, giving my skinny jeans a bigger workout than they deserve..."  Does the person asking really want to hear all that?  No, probably not.  The question is really just a pleasantry, in fact most people don't even stop to hear the answer.

Consder the responses, "not bad", "I've had better", "only 5 more day 'til the weekend".  Comments like these come across as negative.

The other downside of 'fessing up to negative feelings or using sarcasm, is the impact it can have on you.  Smack-talkin' your day can set a negative tone for the conversation and can really bring you down.  

So here's an idea, choose a response and play with it all day.  

How about "I'm having a marvelous Monday, a terrific Tuesday, a wacky Wednesday etc."

Or "I'm doing great!"  "Good, thank you for asking"  "I'm awesome - you?"

The upside of choosing to respond in an upbeat, somewhat unusual way is that it pumps you up.  You can convince yourself that things are good!  

The mind believes what you tell it.  Why not tell it something positive?

How are you doing?  Share your responses here...

Whoa...slow down...

When we rush our greeting we are sending a message to the caller that they are not that important.

Our pace is saying that we are too busy or unfocused.  But yes, you may be busy but announce that to your callers?

Did you know that if you rush them, they might;

- Escalate the call

- Get tougher to deal with

- Forget important information about why they called   or go looking for another service provider.  

None of these are good!

Try this;

Say the phrase, "A proper copper coffee pot

Move your lips to really clearly ennunciate the words.

How'd you do?

My guess is you did it!  and you did it by slowing down.

This week try saying your greeting at that same pace and see what reaction it inspires from your callers.



All the world’s a stage

Perhaps William Shakespeare said it best, “All the world’s a stage.”

And if we are merely actors, here are a few instances that acting will help you do, feel and be better at work.

When you answer the phone

Act as if this is the most important call of the day

 When the caller is upset

Act as if you will be able to handle the call

When the caller is concerned

Act (think) like you know them.  Have a picture of a typical customer on the wall and look at the picture to remind yourself that it’s a real human with real needs.

When the caller has a challenging issue

Act as if you are an expert and that you can help (see Superman to the rescue). You will be surprised how much you really do know when you get your nerves out of the way.

When you are getting too comfortable in your chair

Act like an athlete and do some warm-ups.  A couple of squats or arm swirls might help.

When you are trying to sell or upsell

Act like a talk show host and ask questions that help you get to know the customer and their particular needs.


At Walt Disney World they have signs on mirrors behind the doors that read “Smile you are going on stage” 

What do you do to help prepare for great interactions?