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Q: How do you make the Customer feel like they are getting the royal treatment?
A: Get the whole team working on their issue.
I was in a colleague’s office the other day while they called Grainger looking for a specific item.  The Customer Service Representation couldn’t find the item but instead of saying “we don’t carry that” or “I can’t find it”, he said let me try one more thing, then I’ll get some help.  When one more thing didn’t work, he told us he would conference in Technical support.  The specialist joined the call by saying, “I understand you can’t find a specific item, let me help”.  The CSR stayed on the phone the whole time giving this call a real team feel.
How can you do this?
Step 1: Tell the Customer whom you will ask to join the call.
Step 2: Call your colleague and give them some background information.
Step 3: Introduce the Customer to your colleague.
Step 4: Solve world problems together!
Repeat as necessary.

Wait a minute...

Well maybe not a full minute, but how about a couple of seconds.

Great customer service comes from great listening.  But so often in our haste to solve problems we rush the customer or even cut them off.   Here's a tip to 'make sure that's not true for you.

Tip:  After the customer tells you their story say "1,2" (in your head) then speak.

Counting to two will ensure you're not interrupting, it gives the customer the feeling of being heard and gives you a moment to prepare your reply.

Give it a try!


All the world’s a stage

Perhaps William Shakespeare said it best, “All the world’s a stage.”

And if we are merely actors, here are a few instances that acting will help you do, feel and be better at work.

When you answer the phone

Act as if this is the most important call of the day

 When the caller is upset

Act as if you will be able to handle the call

When the caller is concerned

Act (think) like you know them.  Have a picture of a typical customer on the wall and look at the picture to remind yourself that it’s a real human with real needs.

When the caller has a challenging issue

Act as if you are an expert and that you can help (see Superman to the rescue). You will be surprised how much you really do know when you get your nerves out of the way.

When you are getting too comfortable in your chair

Act like an athlete and do some warm-ups.  A couple of squats or arm swirls might help.

When you are trying to sell or upsell

Act like a talk show host and ask questions that help you get to know the customer and their particular needs.


At Walt Disney World they have signs on mirrors behind the doors that read “Smile you are going on stage” 

What do you do to help prepare for great interactions?



Superman to the rescue

Pop Quiz:

Q: Why is your customer calling?

A: Because they need your help.

With that in mind, here are some words to use before you even understand the problem completely.

  • I’m glad you called
  • I can help
  • I will look into this
  • You called the right person
  • Let me help
  • We can resolve this

These reassuring expressions are what I like to call, Superman Phrases


Why? ...because they promise to help without a disclaimer. 

Imagine Superman saying ‘I’ll try to help – but that’s an awfully tall building!”  Or “did you read the policy?” 

 You definitely wouldn’t hear, “I’ll try”




Your customers want your expertise.  Take control of the call, offer them reassurance and let them know they are in good hands.



Relax...then relate

If you are relaxed, you will relate to people in an effective and powerful fashion and put your customer at ease.

If you are not relaxed, you might miss the opportunity to make a human connection.

Why does that matter? Top notch customer service is all about the human connection.

Try this: When you answer the phone, place a hand on your shoulder. If you feel your shoulder rise (perhaps due to the caller’s tone, words or question), this means you are getting tense. Take a moment to relax. Breathe and re- mind your awesome-self that you can do it!

The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear